Foodborne Chicago is a website that connects people who complain about food poisoning on Twitter to the people who can help them out— the Chicago Department of Public Health.
We use computers & code to search Twitter for tweets related to food poisoning in Chicago. We do as much as we can to automatically zero-in on the tweets we think are really about a possible food poisoning case and really coming from Chicago. Then real humans review the tweets and @reply back to people with a link back to this page. More detail here. Questions? We’ve got answers.
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation awarded this project a Prototype Fund grant in January 2014. The Chicago Community Trust is the fiscal sponsor for this grant and is supportive in many other ways.
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Foodborne Chicago in the News

Kyla Williams Co-Presents Today at Philanthropy Ohio’s Annual Conference


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Foodborne Chicago, Humans, and Big Data on the Data Mine Blog

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Twitter Bot Helps Chicago Officials Find Dirty Restaurants (Popular Science)
Here's the core Foodborne Chicago team:
We work most closely with Joe Olson and Cory Nissen of Tracklytics and the Chicago Department of Public Health. Scott Robbin developed the admin tool and Raed Mansour has been instrumental in many ways. Q Ethan McCallum has also been there from the start. See complete information on who's been involved in this project on the About page of Foodborne Chicago.
This project is the result of a loose and long-winding process of developers, public health officials, and leaders in the Chicago technology community coming together around a common mission.
Please contact us with any inquiries. Download the Foodborne Chicago logo here. Feel free to use video and graphics below.
Video by Raed Mansour of CDPH explaining Foodborne Chicago
GRAPHIC: How Foodborne Chicago Works

Graphic Explaining the Site


Foodborne Chicago Homepage, February 2015
Submissions Page

Foodborne Chicago Submissions Page