The Chicago Health Atlas a place where you can view citywide information about health trends and take action near you to improve your own health.
We display large amounts of data from sources like the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and local hospitals so you can get big-picture views of health statistics in Chicago like hospital admissions, uninsurance rates, cause of death, birth rates. and drill down deep into neighborhoods to see specific information and how it compares to the city overall.
We recently added complete detail pages for every hospital in Chicago, with details on admissions, finances, and links to their most recent Community Benefit Reports.
The Chicago Health Atlas has been funded by the Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute since its inception, and they have been key conceptual partners in determining how the site is developed through time.
Recent News

Chicago Celebrates the Unveiling of the New Chicago Health Atlas

Kyla Williams Co-Presents Today at Philanthropy Ohio’s Annual Conference


Health Insecurities: Does Data Show Improvement?

Chicago Health Atlas Updates

Leslie Durr Joins Smart Chicago as Project Coordinator

Healthy Chicago 2.0 and the Chicago Health Atlas

Two New Health Navigators

Help Wanted: Health Navigators

Health Data Ecosystem is Strengthened by Purple Binder’s Adoption of Open Referral

Launch of Chicago Health Atlas 3.0

Kyla Williams on WBEZ Tech Shift, Talking Chicago Health Atlas

The New Chicago Health Atlas

Chicago Health Atlas Data Feeds

The Launch of Chicago Health Atlas

Chicago Health Atlas on the Github Blog
Smart Chicago Director of Operations Kyla Williams directly manages this and all of the products in our Health program. Rob Paral of Rob Paral and Associates is the Data Manager and his primary role is to work with new data partners to get aggregate health data and point-level health care locations onto the Atlas. Data Made was the technology lead from the start of our work through December 2014. Daniel X. O'Neil managed the project from inception, setting strategy and making technology decisions.

Purple Binder

Chicago Department of Public Health

Illinois Department of Public Health
In the early stages of the project, we worked with a number of hospitals through Chicago Health Information Technology Regional Extension (CHITREC) to visualize statistics related to public health along with anonymized diagnoses, medications, and laboratory tests as provided by local healthcare institutions.
Rush University Medical Center
Dr. Sims is Associate Chief Medical Informatics Officer at Rush University Medical Center. Dr. Sims’ leads the data warehouse/analytics team, clinical decision support, meaningful use, and quality measurement efforts at Rush. Dr. Sims has extensive research experience in informatics topics including quality measurement, public health informatics, and care coordination. He serves as the Rush site lead for the Chicago Health Atlas, where he and his investigative team contribute patient data.
Stroger Hospital / Cook County Health & Hospitals System
Dr. Hota is a practicing physician at Cook County Health & Hospitals System with extensive research experience in infectious disease epidemiology. His investigative team has contributed data to the Chicago Health Atlas project.
University of Illinois-Chicago
Dr. Meltzer is the Lead Investigator for the Chicago Health Atlas at the University of Chicago. He is a practicing physician at with a rich history of research in health economics and outcomes research in the inpatient setting. His investigative team has contributed data to the Chicago Health Atlas project.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Early in the planning process, we recognized the need to maintain the anonymity of the patients, as well as the care providers, while retaining patient uniqueness. Dr. Malin’s expertise was critical to advise and audit the development process of re-identification risk. Dr. Malin has compared the performance of the hashing and matching software across institutions using the gold standard of an internal Enterprise Master Patient Index used for routine clinical care. He continues to audit and oversee aspects of data collection and maintenance according to HIPAA and IRB regulations.
Northwestern University
We partnered with Northwestern University in order to conduct research on the Chicago Health Atlas.
If you are a health data provider and would like to take part in this project, please complete this form and we will contact you right away!
Direct project inquiries, including data partnerships, to Kyla Williams, . Here's the site logo mark and full logo in png format. You can also download the logo mark in full logo in eps format. Feel free to use any of the hi-res images and screenshots below. Search for Smart Health Center photos here.
Chicago Health Corps & Smart Health Centers
CUTGroup #3: Chicago Health Atlas
Smart Health Center Navigators


The homepage has quick ways to dive into site data and info.
Neighborhood page

Neighborhood pages show demographics and statistics as they relate to the entire city.