Our Culture

  • Open: We operate in the open, with a bias toward open technologies. We execute on our Federal grants with accountability and transparency— not just because that’s a good idea, but because we can contribute to an environment where everyone can learn from our work
  • Collaborative: This is our last name. Co-labor— as participants in the work, not just as funders, but as meaningful contributors. Convener of people in ways that go beyond mere meetings, sparking lifelong work among parties
  • Forceful: We act with a sense of urgency. We’re not fans of lugubrious chit-chat— we get things done
  • Flexible: We don’t focus on any single technology or solution. We’re willing to try things, to make mistakes, and figure things out
  • Ubiquitous: We will be everywhere that people are talking about what we care about. We seek to make our influence go way past our budget
  • Respected: We will always act in ways that conform with the sterling reputations of our three founding entities
  • Sound: None of this culture matters unless we deliver on our programs and make a difference for people. We monitor our programs, reports on our progress, and manage our projects with excellence

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