Illinois Sunshine at ChiHackNight

Illinois SunshineFor the August 4th ChiHackNight, the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform debuted Illinois Sunshine – a site that uses data opened up by the Illinois State Board of Elections to help users explore political contribution data. The site was created by Datamade.

Illinois Sunshine allows users to search for candidates, political action committees, political donations, and expenditures in Illinois. The site has data all the way back from 1994. This data can also be downloaded in bulk on the site using the big “Download Bulk data button” on the about page which is tremendously useful. However the site does caution that prior to July 1999 when electronic filing was introduced, much of the data is incorrect or missing.

The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform is a non-partisan public interest group that conducts research and advocates reforms to promote public participation in government, address the role of money in politics and encourage integrity, accountability, and transparency in government. They teamed up with Datamade to help update the Illinois Sunshine website that was first launched in 2012.

Originally, Datamade had used to scraper to pull data from the Illinois State Board of Elections website. The ISBE website also allows you to explore contribution data, but doesn’t aggregate the data like the Illinois Sunshine site does. The amount of scraping that DataMade was doing put significant strain on the Illinois State Board of Election website. However, once DataMade and the Board of Elections communicated about what DataMade was trying to do the Illinois State Board of Elections arranged to give DataMade the data on a regular basis.  The source code for Illinois Sunshine is open source and can be found here.

You can explore more political donations at

Chicago’s Million Dollar Blocks at Chi Hack Night

ChicagoMillionDollarBlocksAt this week’s Chi Hack Night, Dr. Dan Cooper from Adler University and Cathy Deng from DataMade presented Chicago’s Million Dollar Blocks – a site that shows how much Illinois spends on incarceration at the block level.

About the project

The concept of a “million dollar block” refers to a project done by the Spatial Information Design Lab that mapped out places where the government was spending over a million dollars on incarceration in a particular neighborhood. It is an adaptation of the original Million Dollar Blocks project, pioneered by Laura Kurgan of the Spatial Information Design Lab and Eric Cadora of the Justice Mapping Center.

This project was developed by Dr. Daniel Cooper and Dr. Ryan Lugalia-Hollon, who had been working to map out the cost of incarceration by zipcode. They worked with DataMade to create a visualization to showcase the costs of incarceration in Chicago and how it impacts particular neighborhoods.

The map the team created was based on data obtained by the Chicago Justice Project from the Cook County Circuit Court (as shown in our Convicted in Cook Project). That dataset shows all convictions in Cook County from 2005-2009 and includes data for what the offense was, the length of the sentence, and the offender’s residential address. The team then based each block’s dollar amounts from sentence lengths. The cost assumption is they used is that on average the Illinois Department of Corrections spends approximately $22,000 per year for each inmate.

Design Considerations

When DataMade built the site, they had a number of design considerations which Cathy Deng explained during the presentations.

1) Value clarity and simplicity 

One of the things that the team had to consider is that while it was possible to add much more detail to the site, it would have made things overly complicated. They opted to keep the site simple and focus on the story that the team was working to tell.

2) Design for people who skim 

Deng also spoke about the issue of people not having all the time in the world to read every single word on a site. Part of the user experience design was to assume that people would skim through the site. Deng used subheadings and text callouts to make certain points stick out in order to get the most important information across.

3) Make sure it works on mobile 

Almost half of the traffic on Chicago’s Million Dollar Blocks comes in through mobile devices. A large part of Deng’s work was making the site look good on mobile devices.

4) Design in the open

DataMade had opened sourced their code on their GitHub site so that other developers can learn from their work. The data that fuels the site was first opened up by the Chicago Justice Project in the context of our the groundbreaking project they did with Smart Chicago: Convicted in Cook. CJP Executive Director Tracy Siska worked hard to obtain that data and this second project helps crystalize the issues we work on in our Justice area of work. Helping encourage more work around liberated data is one reason why we exist.

5) Call to Action

The last point that Deng made was that projects should include a call to action – particularly when the projects are hitting on important social issues.

You can learn more about Chicago’s Million Dollar Blocks here.



Using Technology to Fight Ebola

friends-of-the-congoAt last week’s Chi Hack Night, Kambale Musavuli, consultant at ThoughtWorks and spokesperson for Friends of the Congo, talked about his work in providing support to African techies at the frontline of the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.

The Friends of the Congo is a nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC. The Friends of the Congo was established in 2004 to work in partnership with Congolese to bring about peaceful and lasting change in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire.)

Thoughtworks is a global software and consulting company focused on software design and delivery founded and based in Chicago. Thoughtworks has over thirty offices in thirteen counties. Part of Thoughtworks’ mission is to is to better humanity through software and help drive the creation of a socially and economically just world.

In November 2014, a team from ThoughtWorks Porto Alegre (Brazil), got involved in a mission to help tackle a crisis and more ThoughtWorks offices got involved as the crisis deepened. The team ran a hackathon to prototype possible solutions as well as worked with non-profit organizations like Save the Children to build apps like Ebola Ghana Alert and mHero.

One of the solutions that came out of the hackathon and by talking with workers on the ground, was a way to perform patient intake using iPads – which helped in an environment where wearing full protection gear made it difficult to use traditional pen and paper.

One of the things that Kambale was quick to point out that tech by itself can’t solve the problem. You have to be on the ground and understand what’s going on inside the nations affected. One of the lessons learned was that teams had to be prepared to work regionally and speak languages of not only the host country but their neighbors as well.

You can learn more about Kambale’s efforts at


Cook County presents at Chi Hack Night

Cook County January 1831At this week’s Chi Hack Night, several officials from Cook County talked with the community about county data.

Cook County is one of the largest bodies of government in the country. The county runs a hospital system, one of the biggest jails in the US, one of the largest court systems in the country,  and has a multi-million dollar economic development budget. If Cook County were a state, it would be the 19th’s largest with a total operation budget of $3 billion.

Cook County is different from most other government bodies in that it’s responsibilities are spread out over 11 separately elected officials. That means while most of what Cook County does is under President Toni Preckwinkle, offices like the Cook County Assessor’s office fall under a completely different elected official. This can make the job of working across county agencies much more complicated.

Cook County passed an open data ordinance in 2011 which required Cook County agencies and elected officials to prepare open government plans, to develop data catalogs, and to post at least three “high value” datasets for the County website.

Later on, the County also established a partnership with Smart Chicago that allowed the hiring of Josh Kalov to assist the county in opening up Cook County data.

Cook County had several speakers at hack night speaking about data in their own agencies including:

  • Andrew Schwarm, Cook County Chief Performance Officer
  • Derrick Thomas, Director of Application Development and Management for the Cook County Bureau of Technology
  • Poh Png, Director of IT for the Cook County Clerk’s Office
  • Donna Hart, CIO of Information Systems at the Cook County Health and Hospitals System

Here are the slides and the highlight reel for their presentation:

Cook County has been working on several priorities including reducing reliance on pretrial detention, becoming the health care system of choice, building partnerships to drive the region’s growth and to develop a culture of data driven decision making.

The big challenge that the county faces is that a lot of their data is locked up in mainframe systems. This means that you have to write an entirely separate program to draw the data out. Additionally, because different agencies handle parts of the same process the data ends up living in different places – particularly in the justice and property systems.

Cook County is now working on revamping 80% of it’s systems in order to bring their data under one system. Not only will this make the data easier to access and manage – it will also make it easier for the county to open up more datasets.

At the Cook County Health and Hospital System, they’re working with the Cook County Department of Public Health and the open data team to determine reports to be accessible through the open data portal. CCHHS has to be more careful than other agencies because their data is subject to HIPPA which places safeguards on patient privacy.

Engaging with Cook County on open data

The county is looking to engage the community when it comes to open data. For questions and comments on open data in Cook County you can email [email protected].

Chi Hack Night Announcements & Notes

Here are some of the announcements made at Chi Hack Night:

  • PyLadies Chicago + Write/Speak/Code Chicago are hosting a Python open source workshop on Sat June 25th at Enova tentative times 10am – 4pm. Lorena of PyLadies Chicago is seeking Python open source projects to work on as well as mentors (roughly 1-4pm or so) that can field questions from workshop participants about these projects. Email if you have interest or questions!
  • State of Illinois hiring GIS Data Systems Analyst. State Project, GIS, Health-Related. Job description at – Margaret Spyker (Data Wrangler for Go Code Colorado!) is here tonight if you have qs!
  • Expanding Civic Engagement (no website)  A joint program of the International Association of Facilitators: Chicago, Institute of Cultural Affairs and Chicago Sustainability Leaders Network. in which participants have a chance to brainstorm about Expanding Civic Engagement with a member of the Mayor’s Second Term Transition Team. (Ald. Deborah Green, formerly 29th Ward). This is a great opportunity for ChiHackNighters to feed our work into the Mayor’s planning and to hear from other community groups. There is a $20 registration fee to cover a light dinner.  Register here.  Thursday 6/18, 6-9pm at ICA Greenrise 4750 N Sheridan
  • Vivian Maier Museum Want to help turn the 160,000 images copyrighted by Vivian Maier‘s estate into funding for a museum that better shares her genius with her growing legion of fans?  Here’s the prototype funding site hacked at the Adler by Solstice Media volunteers:
  • Is there sewage in the Chicago River? Yes there is.
  • CSV to HTML Table – Display any CSV (comma separated values) file as a searchable, filterable, pretty HTML table.
  • Chapin Hall is exploring hiring a junior DB manager — if interested in working to work with administrative data to help public agencies and non-profits in the city and state organize their policy and youth/family services, has familiarity with SQL, SAS as a plus, command line… talk to Nick Mader ()
  • Maptime Chicago next Wednesday at 6 at CCT. @maptimeChi
  • Cook County Jobs!:
  • The Illinois Sentencing Policy Advisory Council (SPAC) (previously at Chi Hack Night) is hiring a full-time data person. Info here:

This week in Chicago Civic Tech Events: Cook County, Court Data and more

opengovchicagoThis week we’ve got three civic tech events happening in Chicago.

Cook County at Chi Hack Night

Tuesday at 6:00pm at Braintree (8th floor of Merchandise Mart)

Cook County employees will be presenting at Chi Hack Night about their progress in opening up county data.

Representatives across several of Cook County’s 65 agencies will give a quick overview of their data, where it lives and who’s in charge of it.

We’ll be hearing from:

  • Andrew Schwarm, Cook County Chief Performance Officer
  • Derrick Thomas, Director of Application Development and Management for the Cook County Bureau of Technology
  • Poh Png, Director of IT for the Cook County Clerk’s Office
  • Donna Hart, Director of Information Systems at the Cook County Health and Hospitals System

Afterwards, they will take your questions and hear your open data wish lists.

The Smart Chicago Collaborative has a partnership with the Cook County Bureau of Technology to assist them in the creation and publication of open data in the context of the County’s Open Government Plan Ordinance and Open Government Plan. Our consultant Josh Kalov has been working with Cook County to open up Cook County data for the past year and a half.

You can RSVP for the event by clicking here.

OpenGov Chicago: Local Court Data

Wednesday at 6:00 PM at the Chicago Community Trust (225 N Michigan, 22nd floor)

At the next meetup, OpenGov Chicago will cover the Chicago Justice Project’s (CJP) ongoing engagement with the Office of the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Timothy Evans.

CJP’s engagement is seeking to open access to all the data created by the Court since they started collecting the data in the 1980s (the courts have told CJP they started collecting data either in 1980 or 1988). This means that when approved CJP would receive about 30 years of Court data. CJP requested all the data maintained by the Clerk’s Office on each criminal case filed, appropriately de-identified. CJP is seeking an agreement that would require regular updates of court data be released on an ongoing basis moving forward removing all the current barriers to this data.

The evening will also cover the results of Smart Chicago’s recent PACER postcard campaign, where we helped send dozens of postcards to Chief Judge Ruben Castillo of the United States District Court of the Northern District of Illinois, asking him to look into issues with PACER , the system run by the federal judiciary that provides access to court dockets.

You can RSVP for OpenGov Chicago here!

Technology, Government, and the Public Good Panel Discussion

Wednesday at 6:00pm at General Assembly: After World Books (23 E Illinois Street)

Curious what civic tech is all about? General Assembly will be hosting an expert panel on the growth of collaboration between government and technology in Chicago and how these two industries are working together to serve and support the public good. Learn more about the various innovative initiatives happening in the Chicago area, and how you can get involved to support the community, no matter your experience. Whether you’re a techie or not, the panel will discuss how everyone can contribute to civic engagement.

The panel is made up of Chicago Chief Data Officer Tom Schenk Jr, Datamade/Chi Hack Night Founder Derek Eder, Evanston Digital Services Coordinator Luke Stowe, mRelief Founder Rose Afriyie,  and our own consultant Christopher Whitaker.

You can register for the event here.

National Day 2015 Round-up

logoLast week was a busy week for civic technologists in Chicago with several events being held throughout the city as part of the National Day of Civic Hacking. We’ve provided a quick roundup of everything that happened last week as well as some thoughts to next steps.

CitySDK Launch at Chi Hack Night


The Census Bureau launched their open data software development kit (SDK) at Chi Hack Night on Tuesday.  They also helped to break the current attendance record with 124 people coming in to hear Presidential Innovation Fellow Jeff Miesel demo the CitySDK. (You can catch the full demo here and the meeting notes for the event here.)

Steve Vance has already updated his Cityscape app to take advantage of the new CitySDK. He’s created a webpage as part of Chicago Cityscape that gets the median home value and median rent for the Census tract containing your GPS-based location.

You can get more updates on the CitySDK project by following them on Twitter.

Urban Sustainability Apps Competition 

On Friday, the Center for Neighborhood Technologies kicked off the weekend with the Urban Sustainability Apps Competition. The event was hosted by Stephen Philpott and took place over the entire weekend.

In attendance at the event was the CTO for the US Census Bureau Avi Bender as well as the City SDK team. The competition kicked off with some advice from Eve Tulbert – Founder of FreedomGames.

Eve’s group didn’t win the CNT Apps competition, but through the event they launched their company and now have paying customers. This year’s winner was Purshable – and app that helps grocery stores sell produce that is about to expire. You can get the full details on the event from the CNT blog. 

Organize! Civic Tech Leader Training

For Civic Tech Leader Training, we wanted to provide training for people already active in their communities – but wanted to learn more about the technology side of things.

We kicked off with David McDowell from the Southwest Organizing Project who gave us an orientation into community organizing. From there, we learned about the ins-and-outs for FOIA from Matt Topic of the Better Government Association. Before we got into the tech portion of our training, we had a brainstorming session about what problems we should be focusing on in the city and how we could leverage technology to address them. We took collaborative notes during the day so that you can see all of the ideas that we generated. Our brainstorming session was later joined by US Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil who also gave some short remarks and answered questions from the audience. In the afternoon, our own Josh Kalov taught about data portals and Microsoft’s Adam Hecktman gave a class on how to use Excel to analyze open data.

We also spoke about how to use tech tools and shared some tips on social media. To cap off the day, Claire Micklin from talked about how to run a hack night project.

Adler National Day of Civic Hacking

To cover the Adler National Day of Civic Hacking event, we sent our Documentor Nicole Cipri to the Adler event. Here’s an excerpt her dispatch:

On June 6th, the Adler Planetarium joined venues across the world to host Civic Hack Day. Organized by Hack For Change, Civic Hack Day brings together community members, developers, programmers, and organizers to tackle tough problems and present practical solutions. Hackers come from a variety of backgrounds and bring diverse skill sets. Problem-solvers, makers, coders, tinkerers, anyone is invited to join the events.

Last year, Hack For Change saw 123 events in 13 different countries, including at Adler Planetarium. Kelly Sutphin-Borden, an educator with the Adler who also handled logistics for the Hackathon, said this was the third year the Adler had participated in Civic Hack Day. Last year, groups created several seed projects, including an app to help link homeless LGBTQ youth to resources, and a searchable and simplified website explaining the CPS code of conduct to students and parents.

This year, six different people pitched issues facing Chicago. Among the proposals:

  • A website to help engage citizens on proposed legislative regulations.
  • A media campaign to protect Chicago birds.
  • An online archive for photographs by Vivian Maier, a Chicago-area street photographer, which would complement a brick-and-mortar archive of her works.
  • A more accessible and streamlined portal to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook
  • A data collection app for, which would collect cancer patients’ treatment histories and share them with researchers.
  • An app to help hospital patients with follow-up care after their discharge

The last of the problems presented, about helping discharged hospital patients, was proposed by Dr. Pam Khosla, an oncologist at Mount Sinai. She had not planned on participating in Civic Hack Day, but only on keeping her daughter company there for a few hours. She became inspired after listening to some of the other proposed issues. She confessed that she’d heard about Hack For Change first on WBEZ, and had been confused by the term. “I thought all hacking was bad,” she explained. “Who are we hacking? Why?”

Mount Sinai is a hospital on Chicago’s West Side, an area of the city that suffers from high rates of poverty. Many of Khosla’s patients have trouble navigating the labyrinthine process of longterm cancer treatment. Some of her patients have limited English, or low literacy, or no support network to help them. She envisioned an app or device in which a patient could input their treatment plans, and would then remind them to book transportation to their appointments, take their medication, or help explain procedures or processes. The point was to get better patient compliance, and thus, better quality of care.

After presenting the problems, Clint Tseng of Socrata offered a crash course in accessing open data provided by Chicago, Cook County, and the state of Illinois. He also stayed on hand to help groups utilize this data for their projects. Individuals broke up into teams to tackle each of these issues, usually starting with a brainstorming session. Problem Owners were interviewed about what kind of solutions would be practical, while everyone pitched in to come up with ideas for formats, funding possibilities, and organization. After a rough idea is drafted, the group had the next 24 hours to fine-tune their proposed solution, presenting it the following morning.


To cover LexHacks, we sent Stephen Rynkiewicz to cover the legal hackathon that happened at WeWorkChicago. Here’s an excerpt from his dispatch:
At LexHacks, developers, designers, lawyers, lean thinkers, project managers, data analysts and other professionals were challenged to work together to create solutions that improve the efficiency and delivery of legal services, as well as the access to legal services.
“I want lawyers to step up and embrace these technologies, so that we don’t have 80 percent of folks who have a need go without legal services,” explains Daniel Linna, an organizer of the Chicago Legal Innovation & Technology Meetup group. “We can do work with developers, designers, technologists, data analysts, lean thinkers to do that.” Lisa Colpoys, executive director of Illinois Legal Aid Online, organized one of two crowdfunded contests. “Our mission really is to break down the law, make it simple enough so people who can’t afford a lawyer can handle their legal problems,” Colpoys says. “This system is scary. It’s complicated. If people want to go to court on their own, they typically don’t do very well, at least without education and some support,” Colpoys says. “Our challenge is to create some sort of a tool for people to evaluate whether it’s worth it to pursue some case or claim, or defend their case or claim.“
Jon Pasky first organized legal hackathons to recruit developers to resolve a complaint he heard from tech startup founders. “They want to talk to their lawyer,” Pasky says, “but people I found in the small business and startup side don’t, because they’re afraid of the bills.”

With Ric Gruber, who worked his way through law school as a developer, Pasky launched Openlegal, the flat-fee website that recruits clients for their law office. “Every time we automate part of the process, we’re able to hire more lawyers instead of more admin staff,” Gruber says. “We’re saving our clients 30 to 50 percent because we’ve cut administrative waste.”

You can view all the submission for the LexHacks event here.
For more information about National Day of Civic Hacking, visit the main page at Hack for Change