OpenGov Hack Night: Building a Vision for a Transit Future (Part 2)

This presentation was rather long, so we’ve split this into two posts. The first one has to do with the Transit Future policy itself. This post is about the process used to build the Transit Future site.

On the April 15th OpenGov Hack Night, Ed Oser with Center for Neighborhood Technologies and OpenCity Apps presented their work on both the Transit Future plan and the web app that shows it off.

The Vision for Our Transit Future Site was built by Juan-Pablo Valez and Nick Dorian using the Code for America Annual Report template as a base.

Blue Line Stop

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OpenGov Hack Night: Building a vision for a transit future (Part One)

This presentation was rather long-ish, so we’ve split this into two posts. The first one has to do with the Transit Future policy itself. 

On the April 15th OpenGov Hack Night, Ed Oser with Center for Neighborhood Technologies and OpenCity Apps presented their work on both the Transit Future plan and the web app that shows it off.


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Hack Night Live: Transit Future and

At tonights (100th!) OpenGov Hack Night, we’ll have two speakers.

Ed Oser and Nick Doiron  will present Transit Future, a vision of an expanded Chicago public transportation system led by the Center for Neighborhood Technology and Active Transportation Alliancewith a visualization by Open City.

Demond Drummer from Teamwork Englewood will talk about, an app built by DataMade and LISC Chicago for navigating the City’s program for selling vacant lots on the South Side for $1.

Our live coverage and live stream will start at 6:15pm