Hardware and Software for CUTGroup and Civic Hacker Events


Here’s looking at you kid

Here at Smart Chicago Collaborative, we cover a lot of civic innovation events in Chicago with live streaming and live tweeting. We also use a lot of audio and visual equipment to execute our Civic User Testing Group.

This mega-post covers the equipment we use as well as details on how we use it. We seek to propagate the Smart Chicago model for civic innovation work all over the country, so we seek to share as much information about our methods and equipment as we do our source code.

So here’s a deep-dive into our AV/ internet connectivity/ broadcasting stack:

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Get A Flu Shot in Chicago

Once again, super-citizen Tom Kompare has come up with a timely, teeny piece of software that helps Chicago residents do important things. Last week, Tom launched www.chicagoflushots.org, a way to find and plan your flu shot this season in Chicago.

Get A Flu Shot in Chicago

Here’s Tom’s explanation of the site:

Built by Tom Kompare in partnership with the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH). This was not developed by CDPH and CDPH makes no representations as to the accuracy of the information provided by this map application. This map application is hosted by the Smart Chicago Collaborative. The code behind this web application is free, open, and under a MIT License. Feel free to send me comments.

Here’s complete information from the City of Chicago, including the current situation in Chicago, why you should get vaccinated, recommendations for treatment if you get the flu, recent news, and other supporting information.

Here’s a snip from an email from CDPH kicking off their flu shot program:

Last month, CDPH announced over 60 special flu vaccination clinics the department is hosting in communities across Chicago through December 14. CDPH also launched an updated version of its online Flu Clinic Finder that pinpoints CDPH clinics by zip code.

Chicago Department of Public Health Flu Shot Campaign 2013


Here’s coverage from ABC 7 News: Health officials: Get your flu shot now.

Smart Chicago is all about providing connective tissue (so to speak) among residents, developers, and government to make lives better in Chicago. Plan your flu shot today.

CNT Urban Sustainability Apps Competition

Guests are seated for the discussion at Reinventing Chicago

Guests are seated for the discussion at Reinventing Chicago, Photo by CNT

On October 18th, the Center for Neighborhood Technologies will be hosting it’s 2nd annual Urban Sustainability Apps Hackathon in the offices of TechNexus. The competition hopes to spur civic apps that promote more sustainable neighborhoods.  Join us at tonight’s OpenGov Hack Night to learn more about the event.

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