At last night’s ChiHackNight, the group went through a community feedback session in order to give everyone a chance to voice their opinion. It’s the first time that Chi Hack Night as had a community feedback session in it’s three…
All posts by Christopher Whitaker
Leaving Smart Chicago. Also: The @Civicwhitaker Anthology!

Over the past three and a half years, I’ve been a consultant for the Smart Chicago Collaborative helping with research, writing, and manage events, Chicago’s National Day of Civic Hacking, the CivicWorks Project, and helping to organize and document the Chi…
Black Tech Mecca at Chi Hack Night

For the 172nd Chi Hack Night, Black Tech Mecca presented their plan to make Chicago a beacon in the black, tech, and global communities. Black Tech Mecca launched on June 23rd with an event at Chicago’s Techweek with a goal to…
Calculating the Impact of Transit-Oriented Development in Chicago at ChiHackNight
At the last ChiHackNight, Yonah Freemark and Ryan Griffin-Stegink from the Metropolitan Planning Council gave a demonstration of Grow Chicago, a new website the Metropolitan Planning Council uses to advocate for transit-oriented development in the Chicago region. Transit Oriented Development, sometimes…
Download the Entire Youth-Led Tech Curriculum Set: 29 Days / 174 Hours of Training; Available for Free in One Click
“Youth-led Tech | Summer 2015” was a technology mentoring program in five Chicago neighborhoods: Austin, Englewood, Humboldt Park, North Lawndale, and Roseland. We love to share our work so here’s a PDF version of the entire course. We cover introductions to WordPress, WordPress dashboards,…
Collaborative Project Management

Collaboration is at the heart of the Smart Chicago Collaborative and is essential to achieving the goals of the civic technology movement. The hard problems that need to be solved can not be solved in isolation. There is an art…